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John Martin is a recurring character on Beverly Hills, 90210. He is portrayed by Michael Durrell.


John is shown as the lenient and loving father of Donna Martin, and husband of Felice Martin. On some occasions, his nature compared to Felice's, causes them to react differently to the events of their daughter's life. He is usually the straight man to Felice Martin and also very supportive of Donna. He was a good father to her.


When Donna was penalized by her high school for being found drunk, Felice was initially unsupportive of efforts to make an appeal on her daughter's behalf, but later changed her mind. In doing so, she stood alongside the other parents of the show, and admitted that what she wanted most was for Donna to graduate on time. Additionally, when John and Felice developed reservations about one of their daughter's boyfriends, Ray Pruit, Felice attempted to pay him to end the relationship. This caused a brief rift between Donna and her mother. After Donna had stopped seeing Ray, she later reunited with David Silver, who John and Felice had approved of.

It was later revealed that John had another daughter named Gina, a fitness instructor who was long believed to be Donna's cousin. Eventually, John and Gina began to bond following the revelation. While the two were exercising together, John, who'd had a history of health issues, suffered a stroke and lost his life. While reciting his eulogy, Donna became too emotional to continue, and Gina finished it. Gina then shared affectionate moments with Donna and Felice before departing town.


SEASON 3 (1/30)

Something In The Air

SEASON 4 (/32)


SEASON 5 (3/32)

Under The InfluenceInterventionChristmas Comes This Time Each Year

SEASON 6 (7/32)

Home Is Where The Tart IsEarthquake WeatherOffensive InterferenceCourtingSnowboundAll This and Mary TooRay of Hope

SEASON 7 (8/32)

FearlessJudgement DayGift WrappedJobbedStraight ShooterStorm WarningSpring BreakdownGraduation Day: Part 2

SEASON 8 (5/32)

Aloha Beverly Hills: Part 1The Elephant's FatherCrimes and MisdemeanorsLaw and DisorderMaking Amends

SEASON 9 (2/26)

Dealer's ChoiceI Wanna Reach Out and Grab Ya

SEASON 10 (/27)

What's In A NameNine Yolks Whipped LightlyThe Final ProofDoc Martin

Notes and references[]
