Ruth Keats, played by Kathleen Noone, is a character seen on Beverly Hills, 90210, the first series of the Beverly Hills, 90210 continuity, appearing in the season 6 episode Leap of Faith.
Ruth, the wife of Gerald Keats, was also the mother of Susan Keats and Kathryn Keats. When Brandon Walsh and Susan come to their home for the weekend, Ruth was very hard on the new couple. She had been critical of Susan's abortion after getting pregnant by Jonathan Casten, insisting on the two of them sleeping in separate rooms while in their house. She was rude to Brandon during his stay and upset when she found them sleeping in the same bed the next morning.
However, it was learned that she was really grieving her daughter, Kathryn, who had been killed in a hit-and-run while jogging, and was taking out her grief on Susan, who felt insecure about living in her sister's shadow.